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Daily Dispatches

Investors flee gold for cryptocurrencies as inflation worries rise

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Joe Rennison and Eva Szalay
Financial Times, London
Thursday, October 21, 2021

Investors are dumping gold for cryptocurrencies as inflation picks up, fleeing a metal historically touted as a store of value to buy digital assets little more than a decade old.

More than $10 billion has been pulled from the biggest gold exchange-traded fund this year and funds' physical gold hoards have also been selling down, according to Bloomberg data. The price of gold has declined 6.1 percent this year to $1,782 a troy ounce on Wednesday.

Chris Powell: Gold market manipulation update, October 2021

Section: Daily Dispatches

The images accompanying this presentation are posted here:

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Remarks by Chris Powell
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
New Orleans Investment Conference
Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel
Wednesday, October 19, 2021


Venezuelans break off flakes of gold to pay for meals, haircuts

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Alex Vasquez and Ezra Fieser
Bloomberg News
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

To fathom the magnitude of Venezuela's financial collapse, travel southeast from Caracas, past the oilfields and over the Orinoco River, and head deep into the savanna that blankets one of the remotest corners of the country.

There, in the barber shops and restaurants and hotels that constitute the main strip of one dusty little outpost after another, you'll find prices displayed in grams of gold.

... Dispatch continues below ...

Bill Murphy at the New Orleans conference: Bombs away on gold and silver

Section: Daily Dispatches

Remarks by Bill Murphy, Chairman
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
New Orleans Investment Conference
New Orleans Hilton Riverside Hotel
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

First of all, it is my pleasure to salute Brien Lundin for pulling off this conference. Considering the Covid mess, floods, turbulent storms, and timing decisions, it has been quite a task!

Sprott's Hathaway again details why gold should be going up, not why it hasn't been

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:04a CT Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

In his new market letter for Canadian fund manager Sprott, portfolio manager John Hathaway details why gold and gold mining shares should be going up, but, like all other respectable market analysts, doesn't attempt to explain why gold and gold mining shares have been going down even as inflation and debt have been exploding.

With metals recovering, Calandra Report has a special discount offer for friends of GATA

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:12a CT Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Thom Calandra and his market letter, The Calandra Report, have been supporting GATA almost from our start 22 years ago. He is a writer and believer and investor in the monetary metals.

This week, with metals prices showing signs of recovery amid the storm of inflation, Thom is reviviong his special offer to GATA supporters -- a discount on a year's subscription with half the $169 payment being donated to GATA, no strings attached.

Why not just issue certificates for defunct hard drives?

Section: Daily Dispatches

Britain's Royal Mint to Extract Gold from Discarded Electronics

By Peter Hobson
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

LONDON -- Britain's Royal Mint said on Wednesday it planned to build a plant in Wales that could reclaim hundreds of kilograms of gold and other precious metals from electronic waste such as mobile phones and laptops.

Gold and silver are highly conductive and small quantities are embedded in circuit boards and other hardware, along with other precious metals.

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Craig Hemke at Sprott Money: A base case for silver

Section: Daily Dispatches

4:20p CT Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Copper and silver, the TF Metals Report's Craig Hemke writes today at Sprott Money, are late to the blastoff of commodity prices, but the big banks trading them are getting long, so silver's day is coming soon. Hemke's analysis is headlined "A Base Case for Silver" and it's posted at Sprott Money here:

Gold trading in Moscow gets a boost after London link

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Yuliya Fedorinova and Evgenia Pismennaya
Bloomberg News
via Yahoo News, Sunnyvale, California
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Moscow Exchange plans to further boost gold trading in the world’s No. 2 miner after creating closer ties to the key London market.

Ted Butler: Silver eruption

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:42a Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

In his latest public commentary, "Silver Eruption," silver market analyst Ted Butler asks the key question about the monetary metals markets:

"Try coming up with an alternative explanation to explain the upward trajectory in everything around us -- stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate, and cryptos, and then try to explain silver sitting out the boom."

Gold too, of course.

Butler's commentary is posted at GoldSeek's companion site, SilverSeek, here:
