10:50a PT Thursday, January 20, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Here's a reminder that GATA will be participating in the Vancouver Resource Investment conference, to be held this Sunday and Monday at the new Vancouver Convention Centre West on Coal Harbor. Many GATA favorites will be speaking and many resource companies will be exhibiting. Admission is free if you register in advance. You can learn all about the conference here:
http://cambridgehouse.com/conference-details/vancouver-resource-investme... [1]
At the conclusion of the conference, starting at about 5:30 p.m. Monday, the GATA delegation plans to be haunting the Lions Pub, 888 West Cordova St., just a couple of blocks away from the convention center, and hopes to meet friends there. Just remember that, while "in vino veritas," coherence is something else.
Your secretary/treasurer and GATA favorites James Turk of GoldMoney, Hugo Salinas-Price of the Mexican Civic Association for Silver, London silver trader Andrew Maguire, and financial market analyst and journalistic provocateur Max Keiser, among others, will be speaking at the Cheviot Sound Money Conference in London on Thursday, January 27. Again admission is free but reservations are required. You can learn about the Cheviot conference here:
http://www.gata.org/files/CheviotSoundMoneyConferenceInvite.pdf [2]
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
Sona Drills 85.4g Gold/Ton Over 4 Metres at Elizabeth Gold Deposit, Extending the Mineralization of the Southwest Vein on the Property
Company Press Release, October 27, 2010
VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Sona Resources Corp. reports on five drillling holes in the third round of assay results from the recently completed drill program at its 100 percent-owned Elizabeth Gold Deposit Property in the Lillooet Mining District of southern British Columbia. Highlights from the diamond drilling include:
-- Hole E10-66 intersected 17.4g gold/ton over 1.54 metres.
-- Hole E10-67 intersected 96.4g gold/ton over 2.5 metres, including one assay interval of 383g of gold/ton over 0.5 metres.
-- Hole E10-69 intersected 85.4g gold/ton over 4.03 metres, including one assay interval of 230g gold/ton over 1 metre.
Four drill holes, E10-66 to E10-69, targeted the southwestern end of the Southwest Vein, and three of the holes have expanded the mineralized zone in that direction. The Southwest Vein gold mineralization has now been intersected over a strike length of 325 metres, with the deepest hole drilled less than 200 metres from surface.
"The assay results from the Southwest Zone quartz vein continue to be extremely positive," says John P. Thompson, Sona's president and CEO. "We are expanding the Southwest Vein, and this high-grade gold mineralization remains wide open down dip and along strike to the southwest."
For the company's full press release, please visit:
http://sonaresources.com/_resources/news/SONA_NR19_2010.pdf [3]
Join GATA here:
Vancouver Resource Investment Conference
Vancouver Convention Centre West
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Sunday-Monday, January 23-24, 2011
http://cambridgehouse.com/conference-details/vancouver-resource-investme... [1]
Cheviot Asset Management Sound Money Conference
Guildhall, London
Thursday, January 27, 2011
http://www.gata.org/files/CheviotSoundMoneyConferenceInvite.pdf [2]
Phoenix Investment Conference and Silver Summit
Renaissance Glendale Hotel and Spa
Friday-Saturday, February 18-19, 2011
Glendale, Arizona
http://cambridgehouse3.com/conference-details/phoenix-investment-confere... [4]
Support GATA by purchasing a colorful GATA T-shirt:
Or a colorful poster of GATA's full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal on January 31, 2009:
http://gata.org/node/wallstreetjournal [6]
Or a video disc of GATA's 2005 Gold Rush 21 conference in the Yukon:
http://www.goldrush21.com/ [7]
Help keep GATA going
GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at:
To contribute to GATA, please visit:
http://www.gata.org/node/16 [9]
Prophecy Drills 71.17 Metres of 0.52% NiEq
(0.310 % Nickel 0.466 g/t PGMs +Au and 0.223% Copper)
from surface at Wellgreen Project in the Yukon
Prophecy Resource Corp. (TSX-V: PCY) reports that it has received additional assays results from its 100-percent-owned Wellgreen PGM Ni-Cu property in the Yukon, Canada. Diamond drill holes WS10-179 to WS10-182 were drilled during the summer of 2010 by Northern Platinum (which merged with Prophecy on September 23, 2010). WS10-183 was drilled by Prophecy in October 2010. Highlights from the newly received assays include 71.17 metres from surface of 0.52 percent NiEq (0.310 percent nickel, 0.466 g/t PGMs + Au, and 0.233 percent copper) and ended in mineralization. For more drill highlights, please visit:
http://prophecyresource.com/news_2010_nov29.php [10]