8:25p ET Wednesday, February 5, 2024
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Bloomberg News seemed surprised today as it reported that "gold in the Bank of England vault is trading at a discount to the wider market, as fears over potential Trump tariffs spark a scramble for bullion that's resulting in weeks-long queues to withdraw metal":
https://www.gata.org/node/23621 [1]
But it's hardly surprising that, amid the turmoil in the gold market, the bank's promise to deliver metal in a month or two is worth less than actual metal to be delivered today or tomorrow, especially since the bank's excuse for failing to deliver promptly is pretty lame -- that there are so many demands to buy or lease gold from the bank and from the governments and bullion banks that store gold there that the bank needs four to eight weeks to get the metal out of the vault and process the orders.
... Dispatch continues below ...
Lawrence Lepard's 'The Big Print' praises GATA
as "the most comprehensive and authoritative
source of information on gold price suppression"
"The Big Print" argues that the world's top problem is that its money is broken. The book addresses inflation and wealth inequality and urges a return to sound money.
For more information about the book and to purchase it:
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DVTCWYNN/ref=monarch_sidesheet_title [2]
If a raging fire broke out at banker hangout Brasserie Blanc and was working its way down Threadneedle Street, showering embers on the grand old Royal Exchange building across from the bank, the Royal Marines would empty the bank's gold vault in about 35 minutes. They might haul all the metal around the corner to the Bank of China in Basildon House, ask to borrow the lobby for a few hours, and set the remaining pallets on the sidewalks outside with a heavy guard of armored fighting vehicles. (The British armed forces still have at least five of those left outside military museums.)
Indeed, at first the tellers at the Bank of China might think the visit was just another delivery for transport to Shanghai.
If the Bank of England can't oblige gold sale or lease requests in less than a month or two, it almost certainly means that even if gold remains in the bank's vault, its owners are not willing to sell or lease it, having realized that the 50-year fractional-reserve gold banking system engineered by the United States and the United Kingdom is coming to an end, now that many central banks have stopped cooperating with it and have switched from leasing and price-suppression mode to repatriation and revaluation mode.
But Bloomberg News, the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, Reuters, and all the other mainstream financial news organizations will be the last to report it.
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
CPowell@GATA.org [3]
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GATA is grateful to these companies for their recent support:
Apollo Silver Corp.
Barksdale Resources
Dolly Varden Silver Corp.
Dryden Gold Corp.
Group Eleven Resources
Guanajuato Silver
IBK Capital Corp.
Independent Trading Group
Mining Discovery
Power Nickel
Silver North
Strike Point Gold
The National Investor
The Prospector
Western Alaska Minerals
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Support GATA by purchasing
Stuart Englert's "Rigged"
"Rigged" is a concise explanation of government's currency market rigging policy and extensively credits GATA's work exposing it. Ten percent of sales proceeds are contributed to GATA. Buy a copy for $14.99 through Amazon:
https://tinyurl.com/3xt6uw66 [4]
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http://www.gata.org/node/16 [6]
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https://www.gata.org/sites/default/files/GATA-silver-round-front.png [7]