By Patt Morrison
Los Angeles Times
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Now don't go all weak at the knees and soft in the head when you read this: Gold! In the Mojave Desert!
It’s a gold rushlet so far: lots of wishful thinking that half-forgotten old mines still have new gold to yield up a dozen or so decades after the first ore was dredged out there.
... Dispatch continues below ...
Bullion Star Opens in the U.S., Selling and Vaulting Gold and Silver
Bullion Star is now open in the United States, offering gold and silver bullion at extremely competitive prices with free delivery. Bullion Star also offers customers a year of free vault storage along with free delivery as well as storage in its secure precious metals vault in Dallas, Texas.
Storing precious metals is challenging. Homeowner's insurance seldom covers precious metals, and safe deposit boxes offered by banks are neither insured nor covered by the government deposit insurance. Bullion Star's vault is an independently run, Class III UL-rated vault with uncompromising surveillance and round-the-clock security.
With Bullion Star you can transact and store your metals securely and confidentially. Your bullion is fully insured against all risks at full replacement value. Bullion Star uses five audit methods to verify the existence and correctness of your stored bullion.
For more information, please visit: [1]
Right now as gold prices are tippy-topping again, real estate sales of mines long abandoned in the Rand Mountains are getting practically brisk.
So far this part of gold fever-dreaming hasn't changed. As with most gold rushes, it's the merchants who sell stuff to miners who usually come out winners. The Californians who got seriously rich in the 1850s didn’t pick up pickaxes; they sold them, along with eggs and boots and soap to the men who did. ...
... For the remainder of the commentary:
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GATA is grateful to these companies for their recent support:
Apollo Silver Corp.
Barksdale Resources
Dolly Varden Silver Corp.
Dryden Gold Corp.
Group Eleven Resources
Guanajuato Silver
IBK Capital Corp.
Independent Trading Group
Mining Discovery
Power Nickel
Silver North
The National Investor
The Prospector
Western Alaska Minerals
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Stuart Englert's "Rigged"
"Rigged" is a concise explanation of government's currency market rigging policy and extensively credits GATA's work exposing it. Ten percent of sales proceeds are contributed to GATA. Buy a copy for $14.99 through Amazon:
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