8:54a ET Friday, December 6, 2024
Ðear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Money Metals writer Mike Maharrey yesterday shot down the laughable assertion [1] made this week by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell that bitcoin is, "like gold," merely a "speculative asset" and thus a competitor with gold, not the dollar, because people aren't using bitcoin for payments or as a store of value.
But as Maharrey notes [2], "Gold is not a speculative asset. It is widely viewed as a safe-haven hedge and a store of value." Indeed, gold has been used as money for thousands of years, central banks increasingly accumulate it in recognition that it remains money without counterparty risk, and now even bitcoin is sometimes being used for payments.
... Dispatch continues below ...
Cerro de Pasco's Assay Results at Quiulacocha
Indicate Consistency at Depth and Laterally
Company Announcement
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
MONTREAL -- Cerro de Pasco Resources Inc. (CSE: CDPR, OTCQB: GPPRF) reports that the 40-hole drill program at its Quiulacocha Tailings Project in central Peru has been successfully completed, providing more than 1,000 samples, of which 177 have been assayed to date, including the SPT04 drillhole released on October 15.
Key Highlights:
-- 177 assay samples from nine drill holes, equivalent to 15% of the current drill program, indicate an average silver grade of 1.72 ounces per tonne of silver (53.64 g/t), 37% higher than the average of shallow auger samples reported by Brophy (2012) in the north and central sections of the project. ...
... For the remainder of the announcement:
Asserting that gold doesn't compete with the dollar as money, Powell pretended ignorance of the U.S. government's extensive and decades-long efforts -- through laws, policies, and market interventions -- to minimize gold's role in the international financial system, precisely to defeat the monetary metal's competition with the dollar. Documenting the U.S. government's open and surreptitious efforts to defend the dollar against competition from gold has been the bulk of GATA's work for more than 25 years:
https://www.gata.org/node/20925 [4]
https://www.gata.org/taxonomy/term/21 [5]
Indeed, the documents indicate that defeating the competition posed by gold to the dollar long has been the primary objective of the Federal Reserve, U.S. Treasury Department, and Western central banking generally.
But just as disgraceful as Powell's brazen and obvious lies this week was that they were uttered at a conference sponsored by the New York Times and attended by financial journalists, and not one of them challenged the lies.
This could have been easily done, just by shouting out questions like:
"What about the London Gold Pool?"
"What about central bank gold swaps and leases?"
"Why are so many central banks acquiring gold lately?"
"What about the new Basel III standards issued by the Bank for International Settlements recognizing gold as a 'Tier I' asset equivalent to dollars and Treasuries?"
Again this week it seemed like the greatest power of central banking is not the power to create infinite money out of nothing but rather the cowardly subservience of what passes for financial journalism.
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
CPowell@GATA.org [6]
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