So consider joining GATA's Bill Murphy and Chris Powell there.
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By Brien Lundin
Publisher, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference
Saturday, September 30, 2023
The "world's greatest investment event" is now just a few weeks away.
In other words, from a practical standpoint, this may be your last chance to make plans to attend one of the most valuable and important investment events of recent decades.
It's vital for you to be there, for two reasons.
The first is the timing. With the Federal Reserve expressing its determination to keep rates higher for longer, and with yields soaring as the Treasury issues a flood of new paper to fund ballooning deficit spending, the economy and markets are headed for a showdown.
... Dispatch continues below ...
Buy, Sell, or Store Precious Metals with Money Metals Exchange
Money Metals Exchange, a national bullion dealer recently named "Best Overall" by --
-- is a great low-cost source for precious metals coins, rounds, and bars. Money Metals also pays handsomely when you wish to sell your precious metals.
Shop online with Money Metals Exchange here -- [2]
-- or by calling 1-800-800-1865.
Meanwhile, Money Metals Depository will store your precious metals in a segregated account at low cost: [3]
The turning point will be dramatic and likely not too much further in the future. You need to know what's likely to happen, and how to protect yourself and profit.
The second reason you can't afford to miss New Orleans '23? One of the greatest rosters of experts ever assembled.
I have to admit that I have been loving the amazed reactions of investors and market analysts when they read over the long list of top names presenting at this year's event.
Our marketing plan for the New Orleans Conference is simple: Provide so much more than our attendees are paying for that they're absolutely blown away by the value.
And we've done it this year like never before. Consider who you can hear from in just a few weeks:
Matt Taibbi. A noted journalist and the one individual most responsible for exposing the rash of government-sponsored censorship in recent years, Matt will provide attendees with an exclusive briefing on the latest assaults on your liberties.
Konstantin Kisin. One of the most entertaining and thought-provoking speakers you'll ever hear from, Konstantin will show us why he's a regular commentator on freedom of expression and viewpoint diversity for Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, and Bill Maher, as well as for his hundreds of thousands of followers on social media. For a taste of why he's coming to New Orleans, check out this video that has gotten over 100 million views worldwide so far: [4]
Jim Rickards. Lawyer, economist, investment banker, and cutting-edge analyst, Jim will provide views into today's most compelling trends from angles you will have never contemplated before.
Danielle DiMartino Booth. Distinguished by a career on both Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, Booth will give you frank, prescient observations from a true insider's perspective.
Lyn Alden. Widely regarded as one of today's most cogent and insightful macro-economic analysts, Lyn is traveling to New Orleans to clearly outline the remarkable forces at work today, put them into historical perspective, and provide her trademark deadly-accurate forecasts.
Jim Iuorio. After serving as the resident contrarian on both CNBC and Fox Business, Jim is well-prepared -- and eager -- to give us fearless predictions, gutsy opinions, and high-powered trading ideas.
Rick Rule. Perhaps the most successful resource speculator ever, Rick is fully retired and promises that he's going to open up like never before in New Orleans. If you thought he was frank and through-provoking before, wait until you hear Rick Rule unmuzzled!
Peter Boockvar. One of the most influential and highly regarded market analysts in the world today, Peter always shares insights with our New Orleans audiences that he'd never dare to present on CNBC.
George Gammon. The master real estate investor, entrepreneur, and teacher of macro economics on YouTube brings his unique talents and dynamic style to show you where the markets are headed and why.
James Stack. Simply the most accurate market analyst and timer, not just for today but for decades, Jim is the man who has predicted every bursting bubble of recent times. Jim is bringing his crystal ball, backed by reams of proprietary technical analysis, to show us what lies ahead.
Dave Collum. Professor of organic chemistry at Cornell, die-hard libertarian, and enthusiastic curmudgeon of the Internet, Dave will blow away the fog of confusion and bull dominating the economic and political conversation of the day.
Brent Johnson. Contrarian fund manager and originator of the controversial "Milkshake Theory," Brent will bring his brand of thought-provoking -- and profitable -- market analysis to New Orleans.
Dominic Frisby. British author, libertarian, economist, and comedian -- one wonders if there's anything Dominic can't do. He's flying across the pond to give us views that are both enlightening and entertaining.
Tavi Costa. The macro master of financial social media, Tavi is the portfolio manager for Crescat Capital and widely regarded as one of today's more brilliant analysts, using his 16 proprietary factors to predict market shifts with deadly accuracy.
The Real Estate Guys. Robert Helms and Russ Gray, the masters of property and tangible asset investing, return with fascinating new insights -- including an innovative and powerful new strategy for using your precious metals to acquire income-producing assets, giving you the best of both worlds.
Plus Peter Schiff, Sean Brodrick, Lobo Tiggre, Adam Taggart, Economic Ninja, Jeff Hirsch, Mark Skousen, Adrian Day, Gwen Preston, Bill Murphy, Chris Powell, Robert Prechter, Mary Anne and Pamela Aden, Omar Ayales, Brent Cook, Albert Lu, Steve Hochberg, Dana Samuelson, Nick Hodge, Rich Checkan, Sean Brodrick, Gerardo Del Real, Keith Weiner, Gary Alexander. ...
And, of course, yours truly. I always save my best forecasts and recommendations for this legendary event, and I can guarantee that you won't want to miss my special presentation for this year.
Again, it all happens in just a few weeks, from Wednesday to Saturday, November 1-4.
Our registration fees will start to rise soon, and our room block at our convenient, beautiful host hotel is about to close.
The bottom line: If you're a serious investor, you're putting your wealth at risk if you miss New Orleans '23 -- and potentially missing out on a generational profit opportunity.
And if you don't act immediately you may not be able to attend at all.
So visit here -- [5]
-- or call us toll-free at 800-648-8411 to secure your place now, guarantee accommodations at our host hotel, and save up to $400.
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Join GATA here:
New Orleans Investment Conference
Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel
Wednesday-Saturday, November 1-4, 2023 [5]
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Toast to a free gold market
with great GATA-label wine
Wine carrying the label of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, cases of which were awarded to three lucky donors in GATA's recent fundraising campaign, are now available for purchase by the case from Fay J Winery LLC in Texarkana, Texas. Each case has 12 bottles and the cost is $240, which includes shipping via Federal Express.
Here's what the bottles look like: [6]
Buyers can compose their case by choosing as many as four varietals from the list here: [7]
GATA will receive a commission on each case of GATA-label wine sold. So if you like wine and buy it anyway, why not buy it in a way that supports our work to achieve free and transparent markets in the monetary metals?
To order a case of GATA-label wine, please e-mail Fay J Winery at: [8]
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Support GATA by purchasing
Stuart Englert's "Rigged"
"Rigged" is a concise explanation of government's currency market rigging policy and extensively credits GATA's work exposing it. Ten percent of sales proceeds are contributed to GATA. Buy a copy for $14.99 through Amazon -- [9]
-- or for an additional $3 and a penny buy an autographed copy from Englert himself by contacting him at [10].
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Help keep GATA going:
GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at: [11]
To contribute to GATA, please visit: