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Daily Dispatches

Ted Butler: Code Red in silver futures

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Ted Butler
Sunday, July 16, 2023

As a result of data released over the past week (mostly, the last three days), it seems clear to me that we may be facing a market emergency in Comex silver futures. 

I am trying hard not to be alarmist, but what I see alarms the heck out of me -- to the point that I believe we are at the most critical juncture in Comex silver since the peak of prices back in early 1980, when all sorts of emergency measures were enacted to deal with the Hunt Brothers that are debated to this day, 43 years later.

Are the BRICS ready to trade one master for another?

Section: Daily Dispatches

2:56p ET Sunday, July 16, 2023

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Prompted by the confiscation of Russian assets by the United States and its Western European allies, governments, central banks, and even mainstream news organizations are acknowledging what they should have known all along: that the more you use another nation's currency, the more subservient to that nation you become.

Central banks keep exploiting gold's discount on Comex, Maguire says

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:35p ET Saturday, July 15, 2023

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

London metals trader Andrew Maguire, speaking on this weekend's "Live from the Vault" program from Kinesis Money, says central banks keep using the "exchange for physicals" mechanism of the New York Commodities Exchange to obtain gold at a discount in the London market. Official demand is so great, Maguire says, that the discount can't last much longer.

The program is 50 minutes long and can be viewed at YouTube here:

India agrees with UAE to settle trade in rupees

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Arpan Chaturvedi
Saturday, July 15, 2023

NEW DELHI -- India has signed an agreement with the United Arab Emirates that will allow it to settle trade in rupees instead of dollars, boosting India's efforts to cut transaction costs by eliminating dollar conversions.

During a visit by India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the UAE today, the two countries also agreed to set up a real-time payment link to facilitate easier cross-border money transfers.

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Brett Arends: Gold should be dead but somehow it's still adding value

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Brett Arends
MarketWatch, New York
Friday, July 14, 2023

Why isn't gold dead yet?

It hasn't served a vital economic function since the government stopped treating it as money back in 1971. Actually, you could argue it stopped being necessary long before that.

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First Majestic Mines Silver and Gold 
in U.S. and Mexico, Operates Bullion Store

Jan Nieuwenjuijs: Will BRICS implement a gold-backed currency in August?

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Jan NIeuwenhuijs
Gainesville Coins, Lutz, Florida
Friday, July 14, 2023

Aside from speculation, there hasn't been official confirmation by any BRICS nations that they will either issue a new currency backed by gold or peg their currencies to gold any time soon.

Although it's likely that discussions are going on among BRICS nations to create a new currency, no agreement has been reached and policymakers are denying that the new currency is soon to be launched.

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EJ Antoni: The decline and fall of the U.S. dollar

Section: Daily Dispatches

By EJ Antoni
The Heritage Foundation, Washington
Thursday, July 13, 2023

The U.S. dollar's reserve currency status is one of America's greatest strengths, but President Joe Biden seems hellbent on toppling the dollar from its throne through both his domestic and foreign policy agenda. 

Americans need to pay attention because we've seen this movie before, and it doesn't end well.

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Oleg Nesterenko: The war in Ukraine is the war for the dollar

Section: Daily Dispatches

From Donbass Insider
via L'Eclaireur des Alpes, Grenoble, France
and Monthly Review, New York
Thursday, July 13, 2023

This is the second of three parts of an interview given by Oleg Nesterenko, president of the Centre de Commerce et de l'Industrie Europeen (European Trade and Industry Center) in Paris, to the publication L'Eclaireur des Alpes. This part looks at the real reasons behind the war in Ukraine, which is really a war for the dollar -- the third, to be precise.

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UAE suspends gold refiner on owners' alleged laundering link

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Eddie Spence
Bloomberg News
Friday, July 14, 2023

The United Arab Emirates suspended the accreditation of one of its biggest gold refineries over concerns that its owners had ties to alleged money launderers.

Emirates Gold DMCC -- which has operated in Dubai for more than 30 years -- was last week suspended from the UAE's Good Delivery List, according to a government website.

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Alasdair Macleod: The bell tolls for fiat

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Alasdair Macleod
GoldMoney, Toronto
Thursday, July 13, 2023

The importance of Russia's announcement that a new gold-backed trade currency is on the BRICS meeting agenda for August 22—24 in Johannesburg seems to have gone completely over everyone's heads, with mainstream media not even reporting it. 
