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Daily Dispatches

Robert Lambourne: Interest cost of U.S. 'special debt' still falls as debt and rates rise

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Robert Lambourne
May 27, 2024

This note updates a report from March 17 concerning the gross interest cost reported in the last 12 monthly U.S. Treasury statements for the Federal government. That report is here:

India's central bank buys 1.5 times more gold in January-April than in all of 2023

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Gayatri Nayak
The Times of India, Mumbai
Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Reserve Bank of India added 24 tonnes of gold to its stock of reserves in four months from January to April this year as a hedge against volatility amid geopolitical tensions. This is reckoned to be a part of strategic diversification of reserves in challenging times.

This is almost 1 1/2 times the volume it did during the whole of 2023 when it added 16 tonnes to its reserves, an analysis of the Reserve Bank data indicates.

Jan Nieuwenjuijs: Strong PBoC and Chinese private-sector buying continues to boost gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Jan Nieuwenhuijs
Gainesville Coins, Lutz, Florida
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Chinese private-sector gold imports accounted for 543 tonnes in the first quarter, while the People's Bank of China added 189 tonnes to its reserves over this time. 

Most of the PBoC's purchases are "unreported."

China continues to be the marginal buyer in the gold market, driving up the price. I expect that China will remain a robust buyer of gold going forward in support of the price.

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Zimbabwe asks miners to boost gold output to support new ZiG currency

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Godfrey Marawanyika
Bloomberg News
Monday, May 20, 2024

Zimbabwe has asked gold miners across the country to ramp up output to support the ZiG currency launched last month, according to Mines and Mining Development Minister Winston Chitando.

"This new currency is anchored on gold production. We have to determine ways to increase production," Chitando said Monday in a meeting with miners in the capital, Harare. 

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Jim Rickards: Trump aims not for currency war but currency peace

Section: Daily Dispatches

By James G. Rickards
The Daily Reckoning, Baltimore
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

There has been a lot reported in recent days about the return of currency wars. This story arises in the context of a likely Trump election victory in the November presidential elections.

Trump badly bungled his transition after being elected president in 2016. He wasn't ready with a long list of loyal appointees.

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Alabama abolishes income taxes on gold and silver

Section: Daily Dispatches

From Money Metals News Service
Saturday, May 18, 2024

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey today signed a bill that removes all income taxes on capital gains from the sale of gold and silver, enabling the state to take an important step forward in reinforcing sound-money principles.

With this move, Alabama joins a growing number of states prioritizing the protection of citizens against the deleterious effects of inflation, currency debasement, and mounting federal debt.

China has its people put a floor under gold price, Maguire tells LFTV

Section: Daily Dispatches

7:16a GMT Saturday, May 18, 2024

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

London metals trader Andrew Maguire tells this week's "Live from the Vault" program from Kinesis Money that repeated attempts by the U.S. Federal Reserve to knock down the price of gold via sale of futures contracts in New York just continue to feed Chinese demand for real metal as the contracts are converted to deliverable instruments in London.

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Hot commodity silver outpaces gold as buying gains momentum

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Sybilla Gross
Bloomberg News
Friday, May 17, 2024

Gold's record-setting rally may have captured the headlines this year, but it's silver that's running harder and faster as the less glamorous metal benefits from robust financial and industrial demand.

Silver has soared by more than a quarter this year, outpacing gold and making it one of the year's best-performing major commodities. Yet in relative terms, silver is still cheap. It currently takes about 80 ounces of silver to buy 1 ounce of gold, compared with the 20-year average of 68. ...

Gold up $39, silver up $2, miners up 4% -- time for Calandra and GATA?

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:36p AST, Friday, May 17, 2024

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver and other metals):

Mining company shares are taking off as governments are issuing infinite money and incurring infinite debt, and Thom Calandra of The Calandra Report (at is connecting with newly subscribed GATA supporters and sharing with them his insights about producing gold and silver mines and gold and silver explorers in the Yukon, Quebec, Nevada, Mexico, Ghana, and elsewhere. 

Incrementum publishes its 'In Gold We Trust' report for 2024

Section: Daily Dispatches

5:32p ICT Friday, May 17, 2024

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Incrementum's "In Gold We Trust" report for 2024 by Ronald P. Stoeferle and Mark J. Valek has been published, capturing the exciting lastd year gold has had and the exciting year it is expected to have. An abridged version is posted in PDF format here:
