12:33p ET Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Mexican financial journalist Guillermo Barba reports today that Mexico's central bank has finally provided him with a list of the bars of its gold reserve and has disclosed that nearly all its gold is held at the Bank of England and that about a quarter is held there on an "unallocated" basis. Presumably this gold has been leased into the market.
Barba urges the Bank of Mexico to recover the "unallocated" gold and repatriate at least half the reserves to Mexico.
Barba's report is headlined "The Bank of Mexico Reveals Its Gold Bar List" and it's posted at his internet site here:
http://www.guillermobarba.com/the-bank-of-mexico-reveals-its-gold-bar-list/ [1]
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
CPowell@GATA.org [2]
Storage and Withdrawal of Gold with Bullion Star in Singapore
Bullion Star is a Singapore-registered company with a one-stop bullion shop, showroom, and vault at 45 New Bridge Road in Singapore.
Bullion Star's solution for storing bullion in Singapore is called My Vault Storage. With My Vault Storage you can store bullion in Bullion Star's bullion vault, which is integrated with Bullion Star's shop and showroom, making it a convenient one-stop shop for precious metals in Singapore.
Customers can buy, store, sell, or request physical withdrawal of their bullion through My Vault Storage® online around the clock. Storage rates are competitive.
For more information, please visit Bullion Star here:
https://www.bullionstar.com/ [3]
Join GATA here:
Mining Investment Asia
Tuesday-Friday, March 28-31, 2017
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
http://bit.ly/1DBH5lb [4]
Mines and Money Asia
Wednesday-Friday, April 5-7, 2017
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
http://asia.minesandmoney.com/ [5]
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