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Canada's BNN interviews Trace Mayer on gold suppression
12:04p ET Sunday, October 18, 2009
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Trace Mayer, proprietor of, was interviewed for six minutes October 9 by Michael Hainsworth on Business News Network in Canada and discussed at length the central bank gold price suppression scheme, which Mayer said was characterized by the "Greenspan call," which now is being offset by the "Beijing put." Mayer did an excellent job in getting the purposes of the scheme across in a brief time, just as Hainsworth's questions signified that he understood the gold issue thoroughly. You'll probably never see anything like this exchange on U.S. television, so U.S. citizens will just have to be thankful that there's a free press next door. You can watch the BNN interview with Mayer at the BNN archive here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
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