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New Orleans Investment Conference
The New Orleans Investment Conference is at once the most serious and the most fun of the U.S. financial conferences. Being longer than other conferences, its provides both a vast range of speakers and topics and a chance to enjoy a spectacular and unique city. The great river, the French Quarter, the restaurants, the music, the weather that is still balmy even as fall descends on the northern climes -- you're just happy to be there, and excited at the prospect of discovering some good investment opportunities. As the New Orleans conference always has a hard-money and resource orientation, it is especially congenial to people of GATA’s point of view, and for years the conference has given GATA a forum often denied to us by the financial establishment. Unorthodoxy, political incorrectness, and free thinking scare nobody in New Orleans -- to the contrary, they're sought out and expected and they help make the conference so lively and provocative. I hope to see many of GATA’s friends there again this October.
— Chris Powell
Washington’s Assault
On Your Freedom
The world’s leading experts are gathering to show
you how to protect your liberty and your livelihood
from America’s turn toward socialism.
Dear Fellow Investor,
I’m scared. You’re scared. Our friends are scared. And we have very right to be.
Never — never in the long history of our republic — have we faced such a relentless, multifaceted attack on our freedom and our wealth...from our own government!
But the cold, hard truth is that a new America is forming right before our eyes. And it doesn’t look like anything we, or the founding fathers, ever imagined:
✔ | Deficits measured in trillions of dollars — with levels of debt-to-GDP that, according to the Fed’s own economists, will double long-term interest rates. |
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An exploding government bureaucracy that would make Europe’s most socialist economies blush with shame. In 2009, before any of the new initiatives being dreamed up by Congress and the Obama administration go into effect, government at all levels will consume 43% of U.S. GDP. Government is the only growth industry left in America! ![]() |
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A proposed national healthcare system that will install the government as your doctor — telling you how to behave, what medications you are allowed to take and what treatments you can and can’t have. Not only that, it will also explode the already-monstrous Federal debt, and impose confiscatory taxes on you to pay for it all. |
✔ | A burgeoning eco-religion that will force “Cap-and-Trade” down our throats, compel us to endure dramatically higher energy costs and other stealth taxes, and unfairly burden the U.S. economy with added costs and inefficiencies — all with zero net gain for the environment. |
✔ | Added all together, the most productive American citizens will be saddled with taxes designed to seize the majority of their earnings to fuel a new, socialist state. |
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As if all this wasn’t enough, now the Obama administration, the Democratic Congress and the media are joining to condemn those who dare stand up for their rights at public meetings. Just for the crime of speaking up, they’re being branded “Nazis” and “un-American!” |
As you can see, I’ve only scratched the surface here...and the sad fact is, every day seems to bring new assaults on our liberty and wealth.
Just as important, the vast debt now being created — and the mountains of new currency being conjured out of thin air to “pay” for it — virtually guarantee a return to the towering inflation rates last seen under Jimmy Carter.
Except that this time around, we are seeing a globally coordinated reflation. Every currency will be debased; every economy will suffer from dramatic levels of inflation.
In short, there will be no market offering refuge for investors, except for gold and other tangibles.
It will be like the 1970s. On steroids.
Of course, some people will reap fortunes in the months ahead...while others stand to lose everything they own.
The good news: You can help ensure you’re among the winners with one easy step...
...By attending the
New Orleans Investment Conference.
Simply put, the New Orleans Conference is the world’s oldest, most respected and most reliably profitable investment gathering.
- It has attracted some of the most celebrated figures in modern history, including Ayn Rand, Margaret Thatcher, Barry Goldwater, Milton Friedman, Henry Kissinger, Alan Greenspan and dozens more.
- It is known for inviting only the most successful and deadly-accurate analysts — many of whom save their very best picks of the year to unveil on its legendary stage.
- It has brought together thousands of the most sophisticated and successful individual investors — mavericks who don’t follow the herd, but who rather search for valuable, unhedged, unbiased information.
But here’s the most important fact: Previous attendees will attest that the New Orleans Conference has never failed to deliver stock tips that double, triple and quadruple in the weeks following the event.
And many do much better than that — a number of the stocks recommended at recent Conferences have multiplied over 30 times in value.
The Event You Absolutely
Can't Afford To Miss
During Uncertain Times
Results like these are commonplace, because the New Orleans Conference is the most important investment gathering of the year, and brings together the brightest, most successful analysts and investors.
But this year’s Conference could well be the most important in our long history. There are two reasons why:
- With volatile commodity and energy prices...with inflation about to soar while the dollar teeters...and all this compounded by continued uncertainty in the global economy and investment markets...we are experiencing precisely the type of economic uncertainty in which the New Orleans Conference typically shines.
During times like these, investors have found stocks in New Orleans that subsequently multiplied five, 10, even as much as 30 times over in value. - We’ve restructured this year’s Conference to specifically address Washington’s new attacks on your freedom and your livelihood.
Dozens of the world’s leading experts in investing, economics and geopolitics are gathering to show you precisely what you can, and must, do NOW to protect yourself.
Specifically, we’re hosting a special “Summit on America’s Future” -- an elite panel featuring Karl Rove, Charles Krauthammer, Robert Ringer, and Rick Santelli. This panel will give you the inside scoop on what’s going on in Washington, how the markets will react, and what you must do to prepare for it.
Of course, a big highlight will be the debate between Karl Rove, Doug Casey and Howard Dean representing the conservative, libertarian and liberal views, respectively. Doug is already busy sharpening his wit for this one, and I have no doubt that it will go down as one of the most enlightening events in our 35-year history.
And I’m proud to announce that we’ll also see the triumphant return to New Orleans of Dr. Stephen Leeb, senior editor of The Complete Investor and one of the most successful and highly respected investment newsletter editors in history. Dr. Leeb is looking forward to providing you with not only his forecasts for the tumultuous days ahead, but also the specific stocks and strategies you’ll need to profit.
Even before this new focus for New Orleans 2009, investors were buzzing over the remarkable agenda for this event, being held from October 8-11. The roster features noted authorities such as...
![]() Dr. Marc Faber |
![]() Peter Schiff |
![]() Robert Ringer |
![]() Rick Santelli |
![]() Charles Krauthammer |
A Star-Studded Cast
Of Today’s Most Successful Experts
You can also look forward to getting the clear, unhedged views of the rest of our powerful roster of presenters, including Adrian Day...Frank Holmes...Rick Rule...Bob Prechter...Walter “John” Williams...Ian McAvity...Mary Anne and Pamela Aden...Gene Arensberg...Thom Calandra...Rich Checkan...David Coffin...Brent Cook...
...Adam Fleming...Mickey Fulp...Jeffrey Hirsch...Steven Hochberg...Bob Hoye...Greg McCoach...Bob Meier...Axel Merk...Jon Nadler...Chris Powell...Wayne Allyn Root...Lawrence Roulston...Mark Skousen...Frank Trotter...and many more.
But we’re not resting on our laurels yet; we’re continuing to add fascinating speakers, and value, to this year’s line up.
In short, New Orleans 2009 just keeps getting better and better. But registration fees are scheduled to go up soon...and rooms are going fast in our convenient host hotel, the New Orleans Hilton.
Register NOW
To Reap Hundreds
Of Dollars In Benefits
You know that, for the sake of you and your family’s financial future, you need to come to New Orleans. But that’s just one reason to register soon. By registering now, you’ll also...
- Receive monthly “Member Benefits” packages brimming with valuable special reports and newsletters, so you won’t have to wait to profit from the views of our illustrious faculty...
- Immediately save $400 off the registration fee...
- Secure your accommodations in our luxurious host hotel, and...
- Qualify to bring guests at a dramatically reduced price — so your friends can join you for a fun and profitable trip to New Orleans!
Another Sell-Out Expected:
Act Now To Reserve Your Place
A word to the wise: If you don't act immediately, you may never have the chance to attend this year’s blockbuster event.
That's because the New Orleans Conference has been a complete sell-out in recent years. And — considering the world-renowned speakers and special events slated for New Orleans 2009 — I fully expect yet another sell-out this time around.
Here's the good news for you: If you register now, you’ll not only guarantee your place at what could be the most profitable event in decades, you’ll also save up to $400 and start receiving valuable special reports and newsletters worth hundreds of dollars.
So don’t put it off — reserve your place now by visiting, or by calling us toll free at 800-648-8411, while space is still available. Believe me (and tens of hundreds of repeat attendees): You won’t regret it.
Looking forward to seeing you in New Orleans,
Brien F. Lundin
President and CEO
The 2009 New Orleans Investment Conference
To Register For
New Orleans 2009
Or Call Toll Free
P.S. In this perilous time, when our cherished freedoms are under assault by our own elected representatives in Washington, there is no more important time to hear from today’s foremost experts in geopolitics, economics and investing.
But if you register now for New Orleans 2009, you’ll not only get to hear from today’s leaders, but also from three of history’s greatest proponents of free minds and free markets.
I’m talking about Ayn Rand, Lady Margaret Thatcher and Professor Milton Friedman — three icons of liberty who presented their powerful, heartfelt views on freedom and government intervention in the intimate setting of the New Orleans Conference.
These three historic presentations — including the last public appearance of Ayn Rand — have been compiled in an exclusive, heirloom DVD entitled “Legends of the New Orleans Conference.”
This is an exceedingly rare opportunity to hear the insights of three giants who literally shaped the world we live in...and an invaluable piece of history to share with your family and friends.
And very soon, it’s going on sale to an eager global audience at the price of $99.00.
But you can be one of the first to enjoy this treasure trove of wisdom — and you can get rushed to you at no cost whatsoever, if you register now for New Orleans 2009.
The “Legends of the New Orleans Conference” DVD is incredibly relevant to today’s assault on our liberty. Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman and Margaret Thatcher eerily predicted many of the events happening right now...and revealed what we can do to protect ourselves.
Robert Ringer says, “In my view, the knowledge and wisdom contained on this DVD, not to mention its value as a collectible, is worth more than the price of admission to the Conference itself.”
And you can get this historic video collection FREE, just for registering now.
While it lasts, seize this opportunity to learn from today’s...and yesterday’s...greatest minds. Register for New Orleans 2009 now to reserve your place and claim your valuable free bonuses.
To Register For
New Orleans 2009
Or Call Toll Free