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Monetary historian Vieira plans reprinting 'Pieces of Eight'

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:30p ET Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Monetary historian and GATA consultant Edwin Vieira Jr. announced this week a plan for reprinting, by subscription, his definitive study, "Pieces of Eight: The Monetary Powers and Disabilities of the United States Constitution." The book long has been almost impossible to get, and tonight lists the least expensive used copy at $259. Vieira's solicitation for orders for the book is appended. GATA recommends it heartily.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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Responding to numerous requests, I have tentatively arranged for a reprinting of my book, "Pieces of Eight: The Monetary Powers and Disabilities of the United States Constitution" (second revised edition, 2002).

In light of the accelerating meltdown of America's monetary and banking systems, this book is more timely and should prove more useful to public officials, public-policy analysts, attorneys, economists, historians, and patriots in general than ever before.

This will be a first-class reprint of the original two-volume, 1,722-page, hardbound, and Smyth-sewn edition, protected during delivery in shrinkwrap. It will be produced by one of the premier book printers in the United States.

But this reprint of "Pieces of Eight" will be made available on a subscription-only basis, and only if a sufficient number of prepaid orders are received before a deadline.

The terms of this special subscription are as follows:

1. The two-volume set will cost $149.95 plus $6.50 (shipping and handling) for a total of $156.45.

2. By no later than August 31 each potential subscriber must send:

-- a personal check for $156.45 payable to Edwin Vieira Jr. with the notation "book subscription" and dated August 31, and

-- a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

These should be mailed to:

Edwin Vieira Jr.
52 Stonegate Court
Front Royal, Virginia 22630

These checks will be held but not cashed until August 31.

3. If subscriptions in a sufficient number are received by August 31, printing of the book will be authorized. Probably about eight weeks will be required for printing, with an additional short time for shipment of the books from the printer to me.

4. As soon as practicable after I have received the books, they will be delivered to subscribers by U.S. Postal Service media mail unless other arrangements, at an additional charge, are made prior to shipping.

5. If subscriptions in a sufficient number are not received by August 31, this offer will terminate as of that date (and, presumably, for all time thereafter) and each potential subscriber's check will be returned in the self-addressed, stamped envelope the potential subscriber has provided.

I should appreciate as wide a circulation of this information as possible.

Edwin Vieira Jr.

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