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Get a free gold info DVD from Swiss America and help GATA

Section: Daily Dispatches

6:15p ET Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Our old friends and longtime supporters at Swiss America Trading Corp. are doing a little promotion that could benefit GATA, so we want to tell you about it.

Swiss America has prepared a video disk about investing in gold. It's titled "A Rare Opportunity: Gold 101," it's narrated by Pat Boone -- and it's free.

The "Gold 101" DVD covers the basics of what investors need to know before buying gold, including the four types of gold worth owning, the five steps to take before buying gold, and the six major forces likely to push gold prices higher. The DVD emphasizes U.S. gold and silver coins. You can order your copy here:

Or you can order the DVD by telephoning Swiss America's Dr. Fred Goldstein at 800-289-2646, Extension 1033.

If you're not already a Swiss America customer and you use the Internet link above or, in your phone call, identify yourself as a GATA supporter, Swiss America will donate $20 to our organization.

GATA thanks Swiss America for including us in this.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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Join GATA at these conferences:

The Silver Summit
Thursday-Friday, September 20-21, 2007
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

New Orleans Investment Conference
Sunday-Thursday, October 21-25, 2007
New Orleans, Louisiana

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