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Spanish Internet newspaper cites GATA and John Embry

Section: Daily Dispatches

5:20p ET Friday, June 8, 2007

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The Spanish Internet newspaper Libertad Digital, based in Madrid, today published a report about the Bank of Spain's gold sales that mentions GATA and Sprott Asset Management's chief investment strategist, John Embry. So we're hopeful that the report got something of our points across, even if we can't be sure, since the only Spanish we know here at GATA headquarters is "margarita, por favor."

Maybe some of our more cosmopolitan supporters will be able to make more sense of the Libertad Digital report. You can find it here:

When the Bank of Spain explained this week that it had sold gold to purchase "more profitable" bonds (, Neal Ryan of Blanchard & Co.'s Economic Research Unit wondered aloud what sort of bonds are outperforming gold's recent return of 20 percent per year. The Spanish finance minister apparently didn't say and wasn't asked. But the way things have been going financially in Spain lately, he may need the margaritas more than we do.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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at the
World Gold, PGM, and Diamond Investment Conference
in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Sunday and Monday, June 17 and 18, 2007

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