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Toronto exchange's mining dominance under threat as explorers exit
By Jacob Lorinc
Bloomberg News
via Yahoo News, Sunnyvale, California
Monday, March 3, 2025
Toronto's claim as the top mining hub is under threat as exploration companies leave Canada and listings dwindle on the nation's resource-heavy stock exchange.
Canada's once-thriving mining industry is facing challenges to its decades-old model, in which explorers and developers woo investors with promises of mining breakthroughs and established producers feed on their success, swallowing them in lucrative takeovers.
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Guanajuato Silver Is Reactivating Silver and Gold Mines in Mexico
Guanajuato Silver is a precious metals producer reactivating past-producing silver and gold mines in central Mexico. The company produces silver and gold concentrates from the El Cubo Mines Complex, Valenciana Mines Complex, and the San Ignacio mine. All three mines are located within the state of Guanajuato, which has a 480-year mining history.
Additionally, the company produces silver, gold, lead, and zinc concentrates from the Topia mine in northwestern Durango state.
With four operating mines and three processing facilities, Guanajuato Silver is one of the fastest growing silver producers in Mexico.
For more information, please visit:
Industry consolidation has reduced head offices and eliminated listings, companies find it harder to attract investors, and government rules on foreign investment have become more restrictive.
"The industry that has fueled most of the great Canadian minerals discoveries over the past 50 years is but a skeleton of itself," said mining financier Pierre Lassonde, who co-founded Franco-Nevada Corp. "We should be extremely concerned." ...
... For the remainder of the report:
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GATA is grateful to these companies for their recent support:
Apollo Silver Corp.
Barksdale Resources
Dolly Varden Silver Corp.
Dryden Gold Corp.
Group Eleven Resources
Guanajuato Silver
IBK Capital Corp.
Independent Trading Group
Mining Discovery
Power Nickel
Silver North
Strike Point Gold
The National Investor
The Prospector
Western Alaska Minerals
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