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Ronan Manly: Central bank digital currencies are accelerating toward dystopia

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Ronan Manly
Bullion Star, Singapore
Wednesday, September 4, 2024

There is an ominous development gaining momentum across the world's financial systems that has the potential to undermine monetary and personal freedom yet remains largely under the radar for most of the world's population.

This development is the globally coordinated plan to roll out retail central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). 

... Dispatch continues below ...


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Billed by central banks and governments as the future of money, promising benefits like payment efficiency and financial inclusion, CBDCs in reality pave the way for a dystopian future characterized by total surveillance and control, which stands in stark contrast to the principles of a free society.

At the helm of pushing this CBDC agenda are two shadowy but powerful organizations, neither of which is publicly accountable in any way -- the Bank for International Settlements, known as the the central banks' central bank, based in Basel, Switzerland, and the Atlantic Council, a U.S.-led, Atlantic alliance (NATO) "think tank" based in Washington that is funded by a combination of government, corporate, and foundation sponsors. ...

... For the remainder of the commentary:

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