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Avery Goodman: QE4 has begun and will drag monetary metals up with it

Section: Daily Dispatches

1:43p ET Friday, November 27, 2019

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Securities lawyer Avery Goodman writes today that the Federal Reserve's new "temporary" open market operations adding tens of billions of dollars to the banking system are likely the start of a fourth round of "quantitative easing," prompted by the insolvency of a systemically crucial bank, probably Deutsche Bank, to which many other systemically crucial banks are chained with derivatives.

This money creation, Goodman writes, soon will become virtually infinite and drag monetary metals prices up with it.

Goodman's analysis is headlined "QE4 Begins -- Fed Printed An Extra $161.7 Billion Last Week" and it's posted at Seeking Alpha here:

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


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Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel
Friday-Monday, November 1-4, 2019

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