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China's August net gold imports bounce from 8-year low

Section: Daily Dispatches

From Reuters
Thursday, September 26, 2019

China's net monthly gold imports via Hong Kong in August surged nearly 61%, after falling to their lowest in more than eight years in July, the Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department data showed on Thursday.

Net imports via Hong Kong to China, the world's top consumer of the metal, increased to 12.997 tonnes last month from 8.085 tonnes in July, the data showed.

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Total gold imports via Hong Kong also rose in August for the first time since April, rising 43.5% to 15.661 tonnes from 10.915 tonnes in July.

Both the net and total imports via Hong Kong to China in July had fallen to their lowest since May 2011.

In August, China partially lifted restrictions on imports of gold, bullion industry sources said, loosening curbs that had stopped an estimated 300-500 tonnes of the metal from entering the country since May. ...

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