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Dave Kranzler: Can Western central banks keep capping gold at $1,350?

Section: Daily Dispatches

3:12p ET Monday, June 17, 2019

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Dave Kranzler of Investment Research Dynamics in Denver notes today that gold price suppression is tightest when the U.S. Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee is meeting to deliberate on interest rates, as is happening this week. That, Kranzler writes, explains the smashing of gold futures prices Friday as the stock market opened: "9,816 Comex paper gold contracts representing nearly 1 million ounces of gold were thrown onto the Comex in five minutes. This is more than three times the amount of gold designated in Comex warehouses as available for delivery and 28 percent more than the total amount of gold held in Comex vaults per Friday's Comex warehouse report."

But, Kranzler adds, with central banks seeming to be on the verge of more epic-scale money printing and bank bailouts, it may be harder for them to hold gold at $1,350.

Kranzler's commentary is headlined "Can Western Central Banks Continue Capping Gold At $1,350?" and it's posted at IRD here:

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


Crystal Lake Mining's Discovery Team Outlines
Chachi Corridor Copper-Gold Target At Newmont Lake Project

Company Announcement
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada -- Crystal Lake Mining Corp, (TSXV: CLM; OTC: SIOCF; FSE: SOG-FF) announces that a large copper-gold porphyry target area, with high-grade gold potential, has been outlined on the eastern side of the company's Newmont Lake Project in northwest British Columbia's Eskay Camp.

The northeast trending Chachi Corridor along the McLymont fault system has a current strike length of greater than 8 kilometers by 3 kilometers wide as defined by an extensive review of historic data including rocks, soils, and geophysics. The entire corridor, which features astonishing glacial retreat, is notably underexplored and will be one of several primary areas of focus for the 2019 summer exploration program, now underway.

The Chachi Corridor begins approximately 6 kilometers northeast of the historic Northwest Gold zone and 20 kilometers northeast of Crystal Lake's recent drilling discovery at Burgundy Ridge, underscoring both the scale and potential of the entire 430-square-kilometer Newmont Lake Project located in the heart of the Golden Triangle. ...

For the remainder of the announcement:

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