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Liberty Dollar revived by couple in Florida town

Section: Daily Dispatches

Infamous Liberty Dollar Is Back

Company Announcement
via PRLog, Austin, Texas
Thursday, March 14, 2019

LIVE OAK, Florida -- The original silver-backed Liberty Dollar is available again.

Kathy Hicks of Live Oak, with her husband, Wayne, have revived it through the new Liberty Dollar Network, which encourages sound-money supporters to exchange their U.S. dollars, which are secured by the government's promise to pay, for silver-backed Live Oak Liberty Dollars. These are 100-percent backed by and exchangeable for silver bullion stored in an independently operated audited vault.

... Dispatch continues below ...


Storage and Withdrawal of Gold with Bullion Star in Singapore

Bullion Star is a Singapore-registered company with a one-stop bullion shop, showroom, and vault at 45 New Bridge Road in Singapore.

Bullion Star's solution for storing bullion in Singapore is called My Vault Storage. With My Vault Storage you can store bullion in Bullion Star's bullion vault, which is integrated with Bullion Star's shop and showroom, making it a convenient one-stop shop for precious metals in Singapore.

Customers can buy, store, sell, or request physical withdrawal of their bullion through My Vault Storage® online around the clock. Storage rates are competitive.

For more information, please visit Bullion Star here:

Live Oak Liberty Dollars are available as paper silver certificates and digital electronic Liberty Dollars that can be used online and anywhere via a smartphone app. They are based on the original Liberty Dollar, which was shut down by the U.S. Treasury after a notorious raid that almost sent Liberty Dollar founder Bernard von NotHaus to prison for life.

The new version of the Liberty Dollar is backed by pure .999 fine silver valued at US$25 per ounce. The valuation is set higher than the current price of silver because, as Kathy Hicks, president of the Liberty Dollar Network, explains, "You can't base a currency on the market value of a commodity, because the price changes daily. The new Liberty Dollar is based on a reasonable future valuation that gives Members and Merchants a greater trading value. When the price of silver rises, the current $25 silver base will raise all existing currency to a higher valuation, increasing its purchasing power." ...

... For the remainder of the announcement:

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Mining Investment Asia
Marina Bay Sands Conference and Exhibition Center
Tuesday-Thursday, March 26-28

Mines and Money Asia
Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition Center
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Tuesday-Thursday, April 2-4

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