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Ronan Manly: Ireland conceals basic information about its gold reserves

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:20a ET Monday, January 23, 2017

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Gold researcher Ronan Manly today begins a two-part series of essays showing how Ireland's central bank is striving to conceal basic information about the country's gold reserves. Manly's essay is headlined "Ireland's Monetary Gold Reserves: High-Level Secrecy vs. Freedom of Information -- Part I" and it's posted at Bullion Star here:

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


Storage and Withdrawal of Gold with Bullion Star in Singapore

Bullion Star is a Singapore-registered company with a one-stop bullion shop, showroom, and vault at 45 New Bridge Road in Singapore.

Bullion Star's solution for storing bullion in Singapore is called My Vault Storage. With My Vault Storage you can store bullion in Bullion Star's bullion vault, which is integrated with Bullion Star's shop and showroom, making it a convenient one-stop shop for precious metals in Singapore.

Customers can buy, store, sell, or request physical withdrawal of their bullion through My Vault Storage® online around the clock. Storage rates are competitive.

For more information, please visit Bullion Star here:

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Dollar Vigilante Internationalization and Investment Summit
Friday, February 24, 2017
Resort Mundo Imperial
Acapulco, Mexico

Mining Investment Asia
Tuesday-Friday, March 28-31, 2017
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

Mines and Money Asia
Wednesday-Friday, April 5-7, 2017
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

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