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In KWN interview, Turk sees bank failures heralding another depression
8p ET Monday, October 3, 2016
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
GoldMoney founder and GATA consultant James Turk, interviewed today by King World News, predicts that another Great Depression will begin with bank failures in Italy and then the failure of Deutsche Bank:
And Franco-Nevada founder Pierre Lassonde, also interviewed by KWN, predicts unprecedented volatility in the gold price in coming months:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
K92 Mining Shows What 'Fast Track' Really Means
Company Announcement
By Kevin Silva
Market One Media, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
via Business News Network, Toronto
September 18, 2016
"Fast-tracking" is an overused phrase in the mining sector. But K92 Mining Inc. (TSX.V: KNT) has demonstrated exactly what that concept means.
Less than four months after going public on May 25, the company has completed additional financings totaling $18.5 million. It also refurbished the mill and mine facilities with enhanced processing capacity and has two drills turning onsite. With all this accomplished, production looks to be just days away.
"The technical team on site has done an excellent job with the production restart, and we are on schedule and on budget," says Director and Chief Operating Officer John Lewins. "With that focus on track, and with the enhanced financial flexibility resulting from our recent financings, we are now looking to target a resource expansion that we believe exists."
K92 has under-promised and over-delivered. ...
... For the remainder of the announcement:
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