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GoldSeek interview with GATA secretary covers gold suppression comprehensively
9:50p ET Sunday, July 3, 2016
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
GoldSeek Radio and its host, Chris Waltzek, have given your secretary/treasurer an opportunity to explain gold price suppression in a comprehensive interview.
Among your secretary/treasurer's observations:
-- Central banks obscure their gold transactions to facilitate their currency market interventions.
-- U.S. government policy long has been to push gold out of the international monetary system to protect the dollar's status as the world reserve currency.
-- Central banks are secretly trading gold derivatives, to use the words of a French central banker, "nearly on a daily basis."
-- The West's market economy is an illusion.
-- The immediate victims of gold price suppression are commodity-producing countries, developing countries. But developed countries are victims too, since the scheme destroys their markets and democracy. This sort of central banking is an essentially totalitarian system controlling the prices of all capital, labor, goods, and services in the world.
-- Central banks meet in secret to formulate and implement their policies and this is by definition conspiracy.
-- Gold price suppression policy is extensively documented in government archives and other official records.
-- The Gold Reserve Act specifically authorizes the U.S. government, through the Treasury Department's Exchange Stabilition Fund, to rig any markets in the world in secret.
-- All major central banks are probably participating in the gold price suppression scheme, aiming to redistribute world gold reserves so holders of dollar surpluses are hedged when the dollar is devalued.
-- Central banks probably will revalue gold upward substantially overnight, beginning a new half century of gold price suppression and market rigging at more sustainable levels.
The interview is 40 minutes long and can be heard at GoldSeek here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
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