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'Anti-arb compliance' sinks London silver 'fix' 6%, spot rallies straight back
From, London
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Silver prices sank almost 80 cents at Thursday lunchtime's London benchmarking, hitting the lowest level in seven years, while gold prices and Comex silver futures contracts held almost unchanged near multi-month highs, thanks to what some traders called the unintended consequences of regulatory compliance by banks and brokerages.
Modelled on the century-old "London Fix" it replaced in 2014 -- and which offered a moment of unlimited liquidity to would-be buyers and sellers -- the LBMA Silver Price became a formally regulated benchmark under UK law last April. ...
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Silver mining stock report comes with 1-ounce silver round
Future Money Trends is offering a special 18-page silver mining stock report about how to profit with the monetary and industrial metal, and it comes with a free 1-ounce silver round. Proceeds from the report's sales are shared with the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee to support its efforts to expose manipulation in the monetary metals markets. To learn about this report, please visit:
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