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Peter Boehringer: Bundesbank still has failed to deliver a gold bar list

Section: Daily Dispatches

1:08p ET Thursday, October 8, 2015

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Peter Boehringer, leader of the campaign to repatriate Germany's national gold reserves, today brilliantly dismantles the Bundesbank's claim yesterday to have accounted for those reserves.

First, Boehringer writes, the Bundesbank has provided not a list of gold bars by producer and serial number but rather a mere inventory list maintained by the foreign central banks vaulting the German gold, a list created by those central banks themselves for gold that may or may not exist or remain in hand.

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Then Boehringer asks why the list wouldn't be exactly the same as a list of the German gold bars in 1968, after which there have been only minor changes to the German gold reserves. That is, what gold transactions has the Bundesbank undertaken since then and why?

Of course an honest answer to this question would expose the manic leasing and swapping of gold reserves by Western central banks for currency and gold market rigging in recent decades.

The German gold reserves, Boehringer concludes, require serious auditing by an independent organization, and the Bundesbank's repatriation of Germany's gold should be hastened.

Boehringer's response to the Bundesbank -- and to the Bundesbank's shills in the mainstream financial news media -- is headlined "47 Years After 1968, Bundesbank STILL Fails to Deliver a Gold Bar Number List Posted in Koos Jansen's space at Bullion Star here:

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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