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Real Vision has great interview with Andrew Maguire about gold suppression

Section: Daily Dispatches

1:58p ET Thursday, June 11, 2015

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Singapore-based fund manager Grant Williams has just done an outstanding and detailed interview with London metals trader Andrew Maguire in the Real Vision series of in-depth interviews with leading figures in the financial markets.

Among the topics discussed by Maguire and Williams:

-- The intention of the Bank of England's gold sales to drive the price down 15 years ago to rescue bullion banks from a short squeeze.

-- Maguire's attempt to get the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission interested in documentation he provided about silver market manipulation in London.

-- The shocking impact on the metals market caused by CPM Group executive Jeffrey Christian's admission to a CFTC hearing that bullion banks are leveraged by as much as 100 to 1 in their shorting of metal.

-- The official interventions against gold in April 2013

-- London's loss of control of the gold market to Asia, where the physical market will overwhelm the paper or "synthetic" markets of the West.

-- The new Asian exchanges that will draw metal away from the West and break the price-suppression system.

-- What Maguire considers the financial trade of the decade.

The Real Vision people have kindly posted Maguire's interview entirely in the clear here --

-- in the hope that you'll want to consider subscribing to their service, whose price is $400 per year. But a $100 discount is available to GATA supporters who use the discount code GATA-RV when subscribing. Please check out Real Vision here:

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


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