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Patrick Heller: Eagles aren't the best way to own silver
10:55a ET Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
U.S. eagles and Canadian maples are not the best way to own silver because there's too much premium in the price, Patrick A. Heller of Liberty Coin Service in Lansing, Michigan, writes this week at Numismatic News.
Heller writes: "It is possible to buy the old U.S. 90-percent silver dimes and quarters (and often half dollars) struck up to 1964 at a lower cost per ounce of silver content. Privately manufactured silver rounds and ingots in sizes of 1, 10, and 100 ounces can also be acquired for a lower premium than silver eagles."
Heller's commentary is headlined "Eagles Not Best Way to Own Silver" and it's posted at Numismatic News here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
Silver mining stock report comes with 1-ounce silver round
Future Money Trends is offering a special 18-page silver mining stock report about how to profit with the monetary and industrial metal, and it comes with a free 1-ounce silver round. Proceeds from the report's sales are shared with the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee to support its efforts to expose manipulation in the monetary metals markets. To learn about this report, please visit:
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1055 Canada Place, Vancouver, British Columbia, Cananda
Sunday-Monday, January 18-19,2015
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