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Join GATA and help question Greenspan at the New Orleans conference

Section: Daily Dispatches

2:10p ET Saturday, July 12, 2014

Dear Friend and GATA and Gold:

GATA again will have a big part in this year's New Orleans Investment Conference, to be held Wednesday through Saturday, October 22 to 25, what with GATA Chairman Bill Murphy and your secretary/treasurer speaking and former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan appearing as well and responding to questions about gold.

Additionally, the conference has generously offered to pay GATA a commission for every GATA supporter who registers for the conference.

So please read the commentary appended here by conference organizer Brien Lundin, published in this week's edition of his Gold Newsletter, and use the special registration link at the bottom, which will identify you as a GATA supporter.

No conference venue is more fun and convenient than that of the New Orleans Investment Conference: the Hilton New Orleans Riverside hotel, adjacent to the famous New Orleans Riverwalk, across the street from Harrah's casino, and a short walk from the French Quarter and Jackson Square.

Here's hoping to see many of you in New Orleans in October.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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By Brien Lundin
Gold Newsletter Alert 746
Thursday, July 10, 2014

If you have any hope of attending this year's blockbuster 40th Anniversary New Orleans Investment Conference, you'd better act soon.

We've just finalized the participants on our panel with Alan Greenspan, and I'm pleased to announce that Porter Stansberry and Dr. Marc Faber will be joining the "Maestro" for a frank and stimulating discussion on gold, the economy, the role of the Fed and other central banks in both, and much, much more.

To say this panel will be frank might be the understatement of the year. There is truly so much about the Fed that we don't know, including how, when, and why it manipulates various investment markets. And neither Stansberry nor Faber are known for holding their tongues.

Dr. Greenspan has promised to be open and candid on this panel, as well as in another presentation in which he simply takes questions and answers from our moderator and the audience.

... Dispatch continues below ...


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I'm sure you realize how historic this opportunity will be.

Finally, we'll get the answers that have always eluded us.

I'm extremely curious as to how one of the most radical and eloquent of gold bugs, a man who was a key member of Ayn Rand's inner circle in the 1960s, ended up pulling the levers controlling the world's largest economy.

And of course this is just the start. In addition to Greenspan's presentations, we'll have a scintillating debate pitting renowned conservative commentator Dr. Charles Krauthammer against arch-libertarian Doug Casey. They'll be joined by a noted liberal representative, to be named later.

We'll also feature dynamic individual presentations by Krauthammer, Stansberry, Casey, and Faber, as well as Peter Schiff, Rick Rule, Robert Prechter, Frank Holmes, Mark Skousen, Mary Anne and Pam Aden, Adrian Day, Brent Cook, Nick Hodge, Ian McAvity, Eric Coffin, Chris Powell, Bill Murphy, Thom Calandra, Scott Gibson, and more.

Throw in our spectacular opening and closing receptions (including a very special retrospective panel) and other celebrations throughout the event, and you get something that we'll be talking about for many years to come.

But you may not be there to experience it all. That's because there's limited room in our host hotel, and our speakers are about to launch their promotions of this historic event to their subscriber lists.

And I'll let you in on a little secret: Stansberry's publishing group is the hottest and most influential in the business right now, and they're about to launch a full promotion of the New Orleans conference and Porter's participation on the Greenspan panel, to their entire list.

They could sell out the entire event all by themselves.

So you don't have months or even weeks to go before you lock in your place at this year's New Orleans conference. You have days at best.

I don't want your place at this historic event to be taken by someone who has never been to our conference or who isn't a valued Gold Newsletter subscriber. So please act now to secure a spot for you and your guests.

Click here to register online:

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Join GATA here:

Casey Research 2014 Summit
Hill Country Resort and Spa
San Antonio, Texas
Friday-Sunday, September 19-21, 2014

New Orleans Investment Conference
Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel
New Orleans, Louisiana
Wednesday-Saturday, October 22-25, 2014

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