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Central banks now rig all asset prices, Stockman says
6:18p ET Sunday, June 6, 2014
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Former U.S. Rep. and U.S. budget director David Stockman, interviewed by the Mises Institute about his new book, "The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America," earns his tinfoil hat with a denunciation of the Federal Reserve.
"The system we have now," Stockman says, "is one in which the Fed decides, through a Politburo of planners sitting in Washington, how much liquidity is necessary, what the interest rate should be, what the unemployment rate should be, and what economic growth should be.
"There is no honest pricing left at all anywhere in the world because central banks everywhere manipulate and rig the price of all financial assets. We can't even analyze the economy in the traditional sense anymore because so much of it depends not on market forces but on the whims of people at the Fed."
Stockman's interview is headlined "The Epochal Error of Modern Central Banking" and it's posted at his Internet site, David Stockman's Contra Corner, here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
Jim Sinclair plans gold investing seminar
in Seattle on Saturday, July 12
Gold advocate and mining entrepreneur Jim Sinclair will hold his next gold investing seminar from 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday, July 12, at the Hilton Seattle hotel, 1301 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington. Admission will be $100. For more information, please visit:
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Casey Research 2014 Summit
Hill Country Resort and Spa
San Antonio, Texas
Friday-Sunday, September 19-21, 2014
New Orleans Investment Conference
Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel
New Orleans, Louisiana
Wednesday-Saturday, October 22-25, 2014
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