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World Gold Council calls conference on reforming London gold fix
World Gold Council Convenes Cross-Industry Group on the Modernisation of the London Gold Fix
Company Press Release
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
The World Gold Council, the market development organisation for the gold industry, has today announced it is convening a gold industry discussion forum to explore reform of the London Gold Fix.
The first meeting will be held on the 7th July in London. The Financial Conduct Authority will be attending as an observer and representatives of the bullion banks, refiners, ETF and other gold investment product sponsors, exchanges, industry bodies, central banks, and mining companies will be individually invited to participate, later on today.
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Jim Sinclair plans gold investing seminar in Denver on June 21
Gold advocate and mining entrepreneur Jim Sinclair will hold his next gold investing seminar from 2 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, June 21, at the Holiday Inn & Suites at Denver Airport, 6900 Tower Road, Denver, Colorado 80249. Admission will be $100. For more information, please visit:
Natalie Dempster, managing director for central banks and public policy at the World Gold Council, commented:
"The fixing process was established almost a century ago, so it is not surprising that it needs to change to meet today's market expectations for enhanced regulation, transparency, and technology. Modernisation is imperative to maintain trust across the industry. This could come in the form of reform to the Fix to bring it in line with the IOSCO principles or it could see an alternative price benchmark emerge."
"Our objective in convening this forum is to ensure that the full range of analysis and market perspectives from all parts of the gold supply chain are debated, understood, and brought to bear on any potential changes. Any reform or replacement of the Fix must serve the needs of all market participants and meet today's requirements for transparency, liquidity, and independent oversight."
Following discussion with a number of industry participants, the World Gold Council has identified five principles to which any reformed Fix process or alternative should adhere. The World Gold Council believes the following characteristics, in addition to the IOSCO principles for financial benchmarks, are highly desirable for a modernised gold benchmark:
1) It should be based on executed trades, rather than quote submissions.
2) It should be a tradeable price, not simply a reference one.
3) The input data should be highly transparent, published, and subject to audit.
4) It should be calculated from a deep and liquid market, through which a significant volume of gold flows is transacted.
5) It should represent a physically-deliverable price, as many users want to take physical delivery of gold.
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