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Bill King: All markets now are rigged by central banks and all prices are artificial
By Bill King
The King Report, Burr Ridge, Illinois
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Only the most obstinate academics and permabulls won't admit that the capital markets are rigged and that prices, particularly bonds, are artificial. Unless you are forced to play, most people will avoid the bond and stock markets because prices are rigged.
As bonds and stocks inflate, even traders are withdrawing from the markets because, as we keep warning, stocks could blow out to the upside in a euphoric rush or they could crater as intervention wanes and/or reality is introduced.
The stock market activity over the past two months should alarm any rational trader or investor. Several times over the past two months major stock indices suffered frightening technical damage but were quickly rescued by determined buying.
Unlike as in past years, the frequency of breakdowns and breakouts increased greatly over the past two months.
This is a crystal-clear sign that the stock market is in an abnormal state.
Bonds, of course, are the in the mother of bubbles, a rigged market by desperate sovereigns and central banks that are joined at the hip in the quest to keep the modern welfare state and crony capitalism afloat. ...
Jim Sinclair plans gold investing seminar in Denver on June 21
Gold advocate and mining entrepreneur Jim Sinclair will hold his next gold investing seminar from 2 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, June 21, at the Holiday Inn & Suites at Denver Airport, 6900 Tower Road, Denver, Colorado 80249. Admission will be $100. For more information, please visit:
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Porter Stansberry Natural Resources Conference
AT&T Performing Arts Center
Margot and Bill Winspear Opera House
2403 Flora St., Dallas, Texas
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Canadian Investor Conference 2014
Vancouver Convention Centre West
1055 Canada Place, Vancouver, British Columbia
Sunday and Monday, June 1 and 2, 2014
New Orleans Investment Conference
Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel
New Orleans, Louisiana
Wednesday-Saturday, October 22-25, 2014
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