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BNY Mellon in settlement talks over forex fraud, sources tell Reuters | 02/24/2015 - 19:44 |
Koos Jansen: Austrian audit agency faults central bank over gold at Bank of England | 02/25/2015 - 13:36 |
Dollar Vigilante cites GATA in review of complaints about gold market rigging | 02/25/2015 - 16:47 |
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King World News site disabled after GATA interview | 02/27/2015 - 12:12 |
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China is about to overthrow London in gold trading, Maguire tells KWN | 02/27/2015 - 16:11 |
Are markets really bigger than governments? Don't count on it | 03/01/2015 - 22:20 |
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Jim Rickards: Why the U.S. is helping China accumulate gold | 03/03/2015 - 07:59 |