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On GoldSeek Radio, GATA Chairman Murphy looks for key to gold's next rise | 08/13/2017 - 20:00 |
With recession looming, central banks better make peace with negative rates | 08/15/2017 - 09:02 |
Those who most need monetary metals are least interested, Embry says | 08/16/2017 - 15:37 |
Jan Skoyles: Gold hedges dollar devaluation and price inflation | 08/18/2017 - 12:48 |
Treasury secretary notes there's been no gold audit since 1953 | 08/22/2017 - 08:55 |
Germany repatriates all the gold it planned to recover -- or was going to get | 08/23/2017 - 11:33 |
Alasdair Macleod: Gold -- crossing the Rubicon | 08/24/2017 - 13:33 |
GATA chairman describes gold price suppression and our work to expose it | 09/03/2017 - 09:37 |
Disarming of WWII bomb relieves downtown Frankfurt and Bundesbank | 09/03/2017 - 19:08 |
Mobius foresees cryptocurrency crackdown sparking a rush to gold | 09/04/2017 - 07:18 |