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China will take control of gold pricing, Sprott's Charles Oliver says | 09/23/2014 - 08:47 |
Kaye sees 'desperation' in gold and silver price suppression efforts | 09/23/2014 - 14:32 |
Germany's UKIP threatens to paralyze eurozone rescue efforts | 09/23/2014 - 17:06 |
Financial media in U.S. are controlled to ignore market manipulation, Murphy says | 09/24/2014 - 10:29 |
J.S. Kim: Don't be misled by the gold and silver paper markets | 09/24/2014 - 12:35 |
TF Metals Report: Silver market rigging expose is being suppressed | 09/24/2014 - 22:20 |
Gold price seen near tipping point for mine cuts and closures | 09/25/2014 - 08:51 |
LBMA names Citigroup as gold and silver market maker | 09/25/2014 - 19:47 |
Six banks in UK talks over forex manipulation fines | 09/26/2014 - 08:28 |
Koos Jansen: New Shanghai exchange discourages exporting gold from China | 09/26/2014 - 11:50 |